
General legal

This website and the information contained in it does not form part of any contract, and while reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy, this cannot be guaranteed and no representation or warranty is made in that regard. Please note that these details are intended to give general indication and should be used as a guide only. Computer Generated Images and photographs, including photographs of views, are for indicative purposes only. Fixtures and furnishings, including furniture, wall panelling and wall dressings, shown in Computer Generated Images and photographs are not standard nor included in sales. Please consult your sales contract for information.

Antigua incentive package

Be the first person to reserve a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in The Linter Building and win a 5 star holiday for 2 people to Antigua. Transport and accommodation fees will be paid by Urban and Civic, however any additional costs will not be covered. The holiday will not be granted until the purchaser exchanges contracts on the property. Please contact our sales team for more information.